Empowering men, strengthening families.
Men Also Do Matter 2Men Also Do Matter 2Men Also Do Matter 2
+44 7791465849
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East Midlands United Kingdom
Men Also Do Matter 2Men Also Do Matter 2Men Also Do Matter 2

Welcome to Men Also Do Matter 2

Men Also Do Matter 2 (MADM2) is an organization committed to supporting men in their role as fathers, partners, and family members. We believe that every man has the potential to be a positive influence in the lives of those around him and that by providing support and guidance, we can help men fulfill this potential.

Our work is driven by the understanding that many men face significant challenges in their lives, from struggles with mental health and relationship issues to difficulties providing for their families. These challenges can lead to a range of negative outcomes, including family separation, increased poverty, and even suicide.

Every man matters. Every family counts.

Empowering men with the tools and resources they need to strengthen their families, and ultimately, their communities

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Men Impacted

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Why Do Men Matter?

Men want to make their families, partners, and their children happy by showing that they are responsible for their welfare and wellbeing.

Men want to be involved in their families’ upkeep but sometimes it does not always work that way. However, it does not mean that they do not care about good parenting. For instance, they do not know how to show affection due to their own poor upbringing and inability to support families. In addition, losing jobs, lack of jobs, poverty, migration, cultural differences, and glass ceiling created by educational qualification differences in different countries. If this chain is not broken, men will pass their life struggles to their children.

If this is not changed it will continue to create generations of absent fathers. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) pointed out that 5691 suicides were registered with 11% deaths over 100 000 and three quarters were men. Samaritans pointed out that men at the age of 45 to 49 years of age were the highest risk of suicide. This could be due to fear flight mode or suicides. Killing themselves due to failure to cope with divorce struggles. Taking their families lives and their own or running away from their families and getting into premature relationships which does not last and having more children without a father. This in turn has a negative impact on the family including increased poverty, which will affect the children in many ways such as dropping from school due to drugs, knife crime, being imprisoned or having teen pregnancy.

Building better dads, building better communities

Supporting men’s mental health and wellbeing through safe, non-judgmental spaces that encourage healthy communication and self-care practices.

Contact Us

Make a difference in your community and support present fathers with Men Also Do Matter 2

    Our Approaches

    We are doing this to save families and lives. Due to a high number of men committing suicide and, in some cases, killing themselves and their families. We aim to draw attention to save lives which could be lost due to issues which is minor but not very minor in the eyes of the person/couple involved or upset.

    We want to create an environment which makes men feel responsible for both their own happiness and for their families. For men to feel that putting their families’ needs above theirs is worth it and is rewarding too.

    We want men to make a wise decision of what is more important in their lives inside or outside their families. For men to be present and be good role models to their families. To cultivate good manners and relationships with their children.

    For men to be consistent in their way of living and their behaviours. To be dependable, honest, and accountable people to their families and everywhere including at work.

    Not being burdened with the wealth of possession but with the easiness of a wonderful innermost attitude.


    Read what some people have to say about their experience with Men Also Do Matter 2

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    (10am - 05 pm)

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