Empowering men, strengthening families.
Men Also Do Matter 2Men Also Do Matter 2Men Also Do Matter 2
+44 7791465849
[email protected]
East Midlands United Kingdom
Men Also Do Matter 2Men Also Do Matter 2Men Also Do Matter 2

About Us

About Us

Men Also Do Matter 2 (MADM2) is an organization committed to supporting men in their role as fathers, partners, and family members. We believe that every man has the potential to be a positive influence in the lives of those around him and that by providing support and guidance, we can help men fulfill this potential.

Our work is driven by the understanding that many men face significant challenges in their lives, from struggles with mental health and relationship issues to difficulties providing for their families. These challenges can lead to a range of negative outcomes, including family separation, increased poverty, and even suicide.

Through our work, we aim to provide men with the emotional support and practical guidance they need to overcome these challenges and become present, engaged fathers and partners. We believe that by doing so, we can help create happier, more stable families and communities.

We use a range of approaches, including motivation, relationship-building, priority-setting, consistency, and simplicity. By working in collaboration with other agencies and professionals and promoting a positive view of men’s mental health and wellbeing, we hope to create a better world for men, their families, and their communities.

Want to know more about what we do?

Our Mission

Men Also Do Matter2 (MADM2) : believes that– Everyman starts as a baby boy. Our Mission for Men Also Do Matter2 (MADM2) is;

  • To support men on their relationship issues and struggles to cope with family issues.
  • To provide men with emotional support by being a listening ear without judging, labelling and to provide non-biased environment which allow a choice to have anonymity if needed.
  • To let men, know and understand that Men Also Do matter2. This will empower men to build their self-worthy, reduce suicides, family separation, enable men to take responsibility for their families by being present fathers and good role models to their families.

Our Aim

  • Therefore, (MADM2) aims to support men to regain their confidence, be considered to be respectful to themselves and are to be respected by their families.
  • To support men until they take control of their deeds and to understand that, asking for forgiveness does not make you a lesser man but it earns you more respect and trust, gains more love, provides more grace and gives strength to control and take responsibility for your family.
  • To be a changed person so that their families may see them as different human beings than they were before reforming and be drawn to them. Consequently, uniting the broken families.
  • To live a purposeful life which touches and makes everybody happy and see children grow up with their fathers present. This will create happiness in the communities we live in.
  • To become present fathers NOT present but absent fathers.

What we are currently doing?

  • Working in collaboration with other agencies to provide sessions on Zoom, Face-to-Face or Telephone calls.
  • Referring to professionals and non-professionals in providing interventions.
  • Creating more awareness about Men Also Do Matter2 and getting more volunteers to provide various interventions.
  • Continuing to support men and encouraging them to adapt their ways of living by moving away from some historical ways of living.
  • Constantly being the voice for the men through Men Also Do Matter2.
  • Advocating for men’s mental health support.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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