Empowering men, strengthening families.
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Margaret Chipo Mandizha-Walker

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Margaret Chipo Mandizha-Walker

Chairperson and Founder

Margaret worked as a Receptionist or Secretary for Fima Enterprises in Zimbabwe. She also worked as a Personal Assistant for the Booksellers Association of Zimbabwe (BAZ). In 2001 she moved to the United Kingdom where she has worked as a Cleaner, Carer Assistant and Support Worker in various settings which includes Hospitals, Mental Health institutions in Wales. Whilst doing these jobs, she was studying for a BSc in Occupational Therapy. After qualifying as an Occupational Therapist she worked in London Social Services, NHS in Colchester and Bristol NHS, Margaret is currently a Social Services Occupational Therapist in Leicestershire County Council. Margaret continued with her studies and now holds an MSc in Advanced Occupational Therapy.

Margaret identified that there was a need for an organisation to support men especially African men. This was after there have been issues where black men were involved in incidents where they committed suicide and in some cases they killed their partners, children and then themselves. This was a shock in the black community as it became a sort of trend. There were also cases where some men were made homeless due to misunderstanding with partners. Margaret thought there must be a way to prevent these catastrophic acts. Therefore, after sharing the idea with like-minded people in October 2019, the idea continued to gather momentum and Men Also Do Matter2 (MADM2) was born in July 2020.

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(10am - 05 pm)

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